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Assessment, Evaluation, & Research

Assessment, Evaluation, & Research focuses on improvement through gathering information, analyzing its significance, and using it to inform individual practice as well as the student affairs profession. Important elements of this professional competency: adjusting from understanding to application as well as from smaller scale projects on singular programs or topics to larger scale projects across departments or divisions.

Coursework for Assessment & Evaluation as well as  Research Design & Analysis have developed my understanding of this competency immensely. The links to my assignments reflecting my understanding can be found on these webpages:


In my first practicum experience with Residence Life, I created and implemented a student survey assessing the fall programming and evaluating their interest in the proposed spring programming. This information was used in the spring programming proposal, which was my primary project for this internship. 


In my second practicum experience, I participated in the design of a mixed methods survey for a research project in order to measure the impact of Greek membership on career and postgraduate life. This project included the learning outcomes from the CAS Standards and Job Outlook resources below as well as scholarly literature to inform the content and design. In addition to the resources and survey, I was asked to present to the CSP faculty as well as students and staff from the division of Campus Life about my experience with this project.


As an undergraduate, I was selected as the student representative on the CAS Evaluation Committee, which evaluated the Campus Activities Programming. Below is the training I received prior to my participation.

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