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Organizational & Human Resources

Organizational & Human Resources encourages student affairs professionals to develop in their management positions, specifically in relation to  human capital, financial, and physical resources. Important elements of this professional competency: recruitment, supervision, motivation, and formal staff evaluation, conflict management, and political discourse.

The course Administration in CSP incorporates learning outcomes focused on this professional competency. 

Training during CSP graduate assistant meetings involved learning about campus protocols for responding to significant incidents and campus crises, such as an active shooter on campus.


Part of the requirements of being a graduate assistant for College Student Personnel is to attend professional development workshops. This workshop discussed how to handle conflict in the workplace.


In an article critique for "Administration in CSP," the author discussed the "institutionally prescribed power relationship" between supervisors and research students, identified some central concerns (interests, power, and conflict), and that equity, efficiency, and voice (the “normative standpoint” in supervision) can help provide supervisors with a benchmark that will help evaluate and manage the supervision relationship. This helped me understand the power dynamics between professionals and students as well as between managers and staff.

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