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Social Justice & Inclusion

Social Justice & Inclusion provides professionals with a process and standards for fostering welcoming learning environments for participants of all backgrounds on campus, in the community, and in the context of a global community. Important elements of this professional competency: Understanding oppression, privilege, and power; social justice; interconnections between leadership and advocacy.

Identified systems of socialization that influence my multiple identities and sociopolitical perspective and how they have impacted my experiences through participating in a social justice workshop at Arkansas Tech University, which focused on issues of race, religion, and sexual orientation and identification.


Effectively facilitated dialogue about issues of social justice, inclusion, power, privilege, and oppression by teaching my students in CSP 1013: Principles of College Success and TECH 1001: Orientation to the University about self-awareness of personal social identifiers, as defined by the "Big Eight" concept, how these have affected their experiences, and then partnered with other classmates to discuss the differences and similarities in their self-identification. Students learned that their opinions of others should come from understanding how the person sees themselves, not how they see that person. Students also discussed barriers to diversity and how to identify privileged and marginalized groups in the Equity worksheet. Last, students discussed micro-aggressions and were given effective dialogue strategies for interrupting the dynamic in the Inclusion worksheet.


Pariticpated in the Case Study, and identified systemic barriers to social justice and inclusion in relation to transgender students on campus. An assessment plan and a list of suggested programs and services updates and additions were incorporated into the presentation.



Additional resources that have shaped my professional philosophy and understanding of advising students:

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