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Two Books a Month?

I’d really like to read more this year. During grad school, I learned how much more students learn compared to entering the workforce. Now that I am a year into my career, I find myself wishing for the time to read more and continue learning.

Most of my professional development now comes from email newsletters (thank-you to the faculty member in the listserv that told me about getting access to free Chronicle articles through their newsletter), webinars (those that fit into my ever-changing schedule), and the podcasts that fill up my driving time.

I am going to try to read at least two books per month. One for fun, and the other for learning. This month, I have chosen Little Women by Louisa May Alcott as my less academic novel. My grandmother, an avid reader, has been telling me for years to read this book! I bought it last spring but have yet to crack it open. For my professional development choice, I have had The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey on my list and in my Kindle for about a year.

I have a Pinterest board entitled “Reading List” and Levo League just shared several great books that have changed the lives of their staff. Hopefully, I also hear of more titles from my family and friends that will lengthen my list and keep me inspired.

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